
Pressure Cleaner Sweep Tail Movement

How do I control the movement of the sweep tail on my Polaris pressure-side pool cleaner?

Is the sweep tail (aka sweep hose) on your pressure-side pool cleaner moving around too much? Or maybe it’s moving around too little. Either way, here’s how you can adjust the movement on your Polaris pressure cleaner’s sweep tail so you can improve its performance.

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How to Adjust the Movement On the Sweep Hose

Your pressure cleaner’s sweep tail should move in a gentle sweeping motion. If it’s sluggish or moving around wildly, you may need to adjust.

  • To increase the movement of your cleaner's sweep house:
    1. Turn off the booster pump
    2. Turn the sweep jet clockwise
  • To decrease the movement of your cleaner’s sweep hose:
    1. Turn off the booster pump
    2. Turn the sweep jet counterclockwise

    Please refer to your product manual for specific details for your Polaris pressure-side cleaner.

    Control the Sweep Tail Movement

    It’s pretty simple to solve a sweep tail that’s moving too much or not enough. Simply turn off the booster pump and turn the cleaner’s sweep jet clockwise or counterclockwise (depending on your issue). Doing so should get the sweep tail on your pressure-side pool cleaner to move in a gentle sweeping motion.

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